Saturday 24 May 2008

Harrison Ford - Ford Acted By Accident

HARRISON FORD became a top Hollywood actor by accident - after taking up drama class by mistake.

The Indiana Jones star only took the subject to raise his grades, but admits he had no idea what acting actually entailed.

He says, "I did it because my grade averages in philosophy were precarious because of my in attendance and poor attitude to scholarship. I only took drama because I didn't fully read the description of the class.

"I thought, 'Drama, how hard could that be?' If I knew you had to get up and act and be in plays I wouldn't have done it. When I found out what it involved it scared the bejesus out of me."

But Ford soon realised acting was for him: "Before drama I never could figure out what I might be useful at. Then I thought about making a living as an actor. You get to travel and live different lives and study different kinds of lives."

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